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VR user affect estimation

Python | Machine Learning | Signal Processing

Post-processing the raw VR affect dataset signals and developing machine learning models that use them to predict user affect.

VR affect dataset collection

C# | C++ | Unity | VR |
Affective Computing

Collecting a user affect labeled dataset containing pupillometry, device pose, and heartrate data in a custom VR environment.

Collaborative AR/VR data visualization

C# | Unity | VR | AR | Networking |

Development of a cross-device real-time collaborative data visualization environment with annotation tools and device world synchronization.

Participatory AR interaction design

Research | Unreal Engine | HCI | User Study | AR

Development and publication of a participatory interaction design study that was conducted on a Magic Leap One. The study mapped 17 interaction/action pairs over three modalities of input.

AR interaction and sensor range aid

Unreal Engine | HCI | Interaction Technique

Development of a gesture interaction technique, augmented reality game, and 3 gesture recognition visual aids. Published as a IEEE VR workshop paper.

AR interaction testing environment

Unreal Engine | AR | Interaction Techniques

A fun environment where users can play with an augmented reality headset’s world meshing by placing and interacting with cubes that respond to the real world, each other, and physics.